© Jeffrey Paduan 2024

CLEANING: We are not contracted with a cleaning service, so please leave the house clean when you depart. Information is on the “House info: All year” page.
PAYMENTS: See rental rates above and include the taxes. Do not send any mail to the Skislope Way address. Mail payments made by check to:
Jeff or Jenny Paduan
265 Mar Vista Drive
Monterey, CA 93940
Alternatively, you may send your payment via Venmo to @Jennifer-Paduan, or Zelle through your banking app to our email address paduan@mac.com. If you must, use Paypal (they are now docking a 4% fee); click the “Buy Now” button below (include any comments to us in the text box).
RENTAL RATES (last updated Jan ’21, up from May ’15)
Mid-week (Mon-Thur): ($150 + $30*)/night
Weekends and holidays: ($200 + $36.50*)/night
Large groups (8 or more): ($250 + $43*)/night
*The Town of Truckee charges a 12% Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) on all short term rentals (STRs). The Chamber of Commerce adds a 1.25% Truckee Tourism Business Improvement District (TTBID) tax. The Town has just required an annual $400 STR registration fee, for which we must add $10/night.
We are compliant with the Truckee TOT and TTBID tax and STR laws. Our STR registration certificate number is STR21-00301.
We have a calendar of reservations (contact us to put your name on it). Note that the calendar shows the nights spoken for; departure is on the following day. An empty night does not guarantee availability. We reserve the right to refuse requests.
SECURITY DEPOSIT: For repeat renters no security deposit will be necessary. We reserve the option, however, to obtain a refundable deposit of $500 for new renters or large groups.
PayPal Link